Pre-Surgery Checklist for Breast Augmentation in Dubai



Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure in Dubai, attracting both residents and medical tourists. To ensure a successful surgery and smooth recovery, it's crucial to be well-prepared. This comprehensive checklist will guide you through the essential steps to take before your Breast Augmentation in Dubai.

Medical Preparation

Consult with Your Surgeon

  • Schedule a thorough consultation with your chosen plastic surgeon
  • Discuss your goals, expectations, and potential risks
  • Review your medical history and current medications

Pre-operative Tests

  • Complete all required blood tests and medical examinations
  • Undergo a mammogram or breast ultrasound if recommended
  • Ensure all results are reviewed by your surgeon

Adjust Medications and Supplements

  • Stop taking blood-thinning medications as advised by your doctor
  • Discontinue herbal supplements that may interfere with anesthesia or healing
  • Inform your surgeon of all medications you're currently taking

Lifestyle Adjustments

Quit Smoking

  • Stop smoking at least 4-6 weeks before surgery
  • Avoid secondhand smoke to promote better healing

Maintain a Healthy Diet

  • Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
  • Avoid alcohol in the week leading up to surgery

Exercise and Rest

  • Engage in light exercise to improve circulation
  • Get adequate sleep to boost your immune system
  • Avoid strenuous activities in the days before surgery

Practical Preparations

Arrange Transportation and Care

  • Book a reliable driver to take you home after surgery
  • Arrange for a friend or family member to stay with you for the first 24-48 hours

Prepare Your Recovery Space

  • Set up a comfortable recovery area at home
  • Stock up on pillows to support your upper body while sleeping
  • Ensure easy access to entertainment, water, and snacks

Pack Your Hospital Bag

  • Comfortable, loose-fitting clothes that open in the front
  • Supportive sports bra as recommended by your surgeon
  • Essential toiletries and personal items

Legal and Financial Matters

Review and Sign Consent Forms

  • Carefully read all surgical consent forms
  • Ask questions about anything you don't understand
  • Sign all necessary documents

Finalize Payment Arrangements

  • Confirm the total cost of the procedure
  • Make any required deposits or payments
  • Verify insurance coverage if applicable

Day Before Surgery

Follow Pre-op Instructions

  • Shower with antibacterial soap as directed
  • Remove all makeup, jewelry, and nail polish
  • Fast as instructed, typically from midnight before surgery

Prepare Your Skin

  • Do not apply any lotions, perfumes, or deodorants
  • Follow any specific skin preparation instructions given by your surgeon

Mental Preparation

  • Relax and get a good night's sleep
  • Review post-operative care instructions
  • Prepare any questions you have for your surgical team

Final Checks on Surgery Day

Arrive on Time

  • Plan to arrive at the clinic or hospital early
  • Bring all required documents and identification

Communicate with Your Surgical Team

  • Inform the staff of any last-minute concerns or changes in your health
  • Confirm the procedure details with your surgeon

Follow Pre-op Protocols

  • Change into surgical gown and remove all personal items
  • Allow staff to perform final health checks and mark surgical sites

By following this comprehensive checklist, you'll be well-prepared for your breast augmentation surgery in Dubai. Remember, thorough preparation can contribute significantly to a successful procedure and a smoother recovery process.


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